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Master Excel in Minutes: 12 Essential Functions for Beginners

Feeling overwhelmed by Excel? Don’t worry! Start with these 12 powerful functions, perfect for unlocking the potential of your data and simplifying your work. No complex formulas are needed, just straightforward tools to boost your Excel skills.

FunctionDescriptionExampleWhen to Use
TEXTBEFOREExtract text before a specified character=TEXTBEFORE(A1, "-") in “Excel-2024-Launch” gives “Excel”Separate specific parts of text entries
TEXTAFTERExtract text after a specified character=TEXTAFTER(A2, "-") in “Report-2024-Q1” gives “2024-Q1”Isolate key details following delimiters
VSTACKStack multiple lists vertically=VSTACK(A1:A3, B1:B3) combines two listsMerge related data from different lists
HSTACKCombine lists horizontally=HSTACK(A1:A3, B1:B3) merges data from two columnsCompare data points side-by-side
CHOOSEROWSSelect specific rows from a range=CHOOSEROWS(A1:C10, {1, 3, 5}) extracts rows 1, 3, and 5Focus on specific subsets of data
CHOOSECOLSSelect specific columns from a range=CHOOSECOLS(A1:C10, {1, 3}) extracts columns 1 and 3Create custom datasets with relevant columns
GROUPBYGroup and summarize data based on criteria=GROUPBY(A2:A10, B2:B10, SUM) organizes and sums data by unique entriesQuickly get totals or averages for grouped data
PIVOTBYCreate pivot-like summaries within formulas=PIVOTBY(A2:C10, A2:A10, B2:B10, SUM) generates a compact summaryAnalyze data without complex pivot tables
WRAPROWSReshape an array into a specified number of rows=WRAPROWS(A1:C30, 5) rearranges data into five rowsFormat data for presentations or reports
WRAPCOLSReshape an array into a specified number of columns=WRAPCOLS(A1:C30, 3) reorganizes data into three columnsCreate dashboard views or align data for comparison
MAKEARRAYBuild custom arrays with calculations=MAKEARRAY(3, 3, LAMBDA(r, c, r+c)) creates a 3×3 array with custom cell valuesGenerate unique data sets based on specific rules
TEXTSPLITDivide text into rows or columns based on delimiters=TEXTSPLIT(A1, ";", ",") on “North;South,East,West” separates itemsEasily parse text strings with various delimiters

Ready to Level Up?

Experiment with these functions and watch as Excel transforms from a daunting tool to a powerful asset for your data management. Remember, practice makes perfect! Share your experiences and ask questions in the comments below. Let’s explore the exciting world of Excel together!

Resources for Learning Excel Functions for Beginners

Excel functions (alphabetical)